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East Bierley CE (VC) Primary School

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Breakfast and After School Clubs

Wrap Around Provision

Our Breakfast and After School clubs are popular with both children and parents and provide a safe, stimulating and happy environment for your children before and after school every day.

Breakfast Club

Our Breakfast Club runs from 7.40am to 8.40am. Children have a choice of breakfasts, including fruit juice, toast, crumpets and a variety of cereals.

It is held in the main school hall so access through the hall doors at the back of the school.

The cost is £5.50 per child per day.

After School Club

Our After School Club runs from 3.25pm to 5.30pm.

A light tea is included.

The cost per child per day until 4.30pm is £4.40 and until 5.30pm is £9.90.

*Due to the popularity of this service we are only able to offer sessions to pre-registered children and fees must be paid half termly in advance*

 Extra Curricular Clubs

In addition to After School Club, we are excited to offer a variety of extra-curricular clubs throughout the week which run from 3:25pm until 4:30pm. Clubs on offer will be communicated in advance and may change on a half termly / termly basis. Availability will be on a first come, first served basis and places are limited. Places can be secured by making a full payment in advance - this can usually be done via ParentPay unless the club is being run by an external organisation.  All our clubs are carefully chosen to ensure that they allow our pupils the opportunity to explore new interests, develop new skills and engage with their peers in a fun and creative environment.