Attendance matters!

Attendance and punctuality is very important to us at East Bierley Primary School as we recognise the impact that it has on your child’s education.
Things you can do to help your child achieve
- Ensure your child attends school EVERY DAY unless they are ill.
Sickness - If your child is ill
Please ensure that you inform the school before 9.00am on each day of sickness by calling the school office on 01274 681235. Only keep them home if they are really unable to attend.
Can we remind parents that if your child has an episode of sickness and/or diarrhoea, they must not attend school until they have been clear of symptoms for 48 hours. This is the guidance issued by the Department of Health.
Medical Appointments
Let us know with as much notice as possible if your child / children have appointments at the doctors or dentists. Appointments should be made outside school time although we recognise that with urgent or hospital appointments, this is not always possible.
Make sure your child arrives on time! Our school day starts at 8.40am and registers close at 9.00am, doors close promptly so do not be late to arrive! Late comers not only miss vital lesson time but also disrupt learning for other members of the class too.
Make sure that we have all the correct contact details for you so that we can contact you about illnesses or absence.
The new National Framework for Penalty Notices came into effect on the 19th August 2024 following publication of the DFE's 'Working together to improve school attendance'.
Please see our attendance poster for a reminder of the new rules regarding leave of absence during term time.
The full document issued by the DFE can be accessed here.